BBQ Gourmet™ 18″ x 25 feet (37.5 SQF) Non-Stick Foil Wrap. (18″ wide, 25 feet long roll , total of 75Ft or 112.5 SQF).
This is premium quality heavy duty non-stick foil, with a special coating on one side which eliminates sticking. No need to spray or grease your pans any more, just line them with non-stick foil. Food goes on the dull (coated) side of the foil. Simply lift food and it will come right off. A must have for the grill!
Tip: Coat your foil pans with non-stick foil for the oven and grill. If you feel like getting creative, line this foil over our grill topper pans and carefully punch holes through the top using a skewer. It works great, you’ll be amazed with the results!